
Browse our selection of courses & trainings – both in-person and by distant learning:

Sound Healing Diploma Course

Sound Healing Diploma Course

Six Day & Two Day Courses Taster Days are available

Crystal Sonic RejuvenationTM Diploma course

Crystal Sonic RejuvenationTM Diploma course

Training in person or Distance Learning

Crystal sound healing courses

Crystal & Sound Healing Diploma

by Distant Learning

advanced crystal practitioner diploma course

Advanced Crystal Practitioner Diploma Course

by Distant Learning


I can only highly recommend the sound healing course at Atlantis College. It has taken me on a magical journey of self discovery and Lesley has created such a beautiful, safe, high vibrational space. With Lesley’s, love, support & encouragement, it truly is a place where one’s Soul can soar.

Cheryl Torrance, 29 July, 2014, U.K

I got the pack thank you kindly and I love my crystals and tool. It was very relaxing watching the treatment on the dvd and I’m really looking forward to trying it out – hopefully this weekend! Have a lovely weekend! Love and light,

Karra, Crystal & Sound Healing Distant Learning course

I am still very excited about the course and go in and out of phases where I work hard on it, then set it down for awhile. But, this seems to be the way I like to do things. Thanks for being patient with me. Let me know if all the answers are up to your expectations. I’ll be starting the second lesson here shortly.

Lindsey Boley (U.S.A.), CrystalSonic RejuvenationTM Distant Learning

Dear Lesley
Thanks you once again for your lovely comments on my assignment.
Also, thank you for the wonderful affirmation, how did you know that I needed that!
I will be in touch again when assignment 8 is completed. Don’t know how long it will take, but I will get there.
Take care.
Love and light

Annie x, Crystal & Sound Healing Distant Learning

Thanks so much for the feedback Lesley, I have thoroughly enjoyed the course – thanks for introducing me to the wonderful world of sound healing! I will definitely keep you posted on my progress within the field of sound healing. Take care, Love,

Andrea (qualified, August 2013) – North Yorkshire, Crystal & Sound Healing Distant Learning course

Hello Dear Lesley, I have received the Diploma with beautiful golden angels in it, thank you so much. And thank you for your guidance with all my heart…. Oxana Wakelam

Oxana Wakelam – London, Sound Healing 9 Day Course

My experience with CSR
I found the procedure of giving CSR treatments easy to follow in general. Face treatments have been the ones I liked best and found easiest to perform.
Personally I have experienced major changes in my life and my energy field. It seems crystals have brought so much light and high vibration that certain situations must disappear. Anything lower or “heavier” than that is just not accepted.

I have dreamed a lot, I got a lot of information and guide during those dreams. I still do.
I have noticed an improvement of my skin allergy (eczema in hands) which disappears completely at times, and my nails are better (pitting). I have had rashes and itching in neck and back, appeared for a couple of days and then they went away.
I feel better emotionally, more relaxed, peaceful, tolerant, and hopeful too. Also I have stopped complaining. I feel balanced and in harmony.
I have experienced a major opening and cleansing of my channeling abilities. I have started to trust my visions and intuition.
I’m surprised and really pleased with the results on me and on the clients of this wonderful technique. I feel connected and attuned with the energy of the crystals and the vibration of sound. I believe this is just the beginning and I hope to continue getting lighter and lighter and better at CSR too.

Luciana – , Crystal & Sound Healing Distant Learning course

Founder and Teacher of Atlantis College, Lesley Carol says:

“We each hold a spark and vibration of the Divine Source/God, to express, hold and radiate.  Each of us does this in our own unique way. That is why, when working with healing modalities like crystal and sound healing, we learn the basic foundations and create a solid, secure base, which enables us then to fly as high as we wish to reach our goal”

My particular path has always been one of surrender to spirit expressing itself in different forms of creativity and inspiration. Working and playing with Sound has been part of this amazing journey of surrender always.   I am here to hold a safe and high vibrational sacred space along with ‘our entourage of Light’ in order to assist you in finding your own unique essence/vibrations/sounds from within and guiding you in how best to express them. Wholeness and peace in oneself and every area of one’s life holds the space for healing to take place for self, and for the whole Universe.  All the courses and treatments have this intention.

Tried and tested healing modalities which inspire me, such as Sound healing, Crystal healing and highest frequencies of Light transmissions are used.  Through dreams and clear inner guidance, I have also created unique therapies and attunement processes to teach and share.

Let me add… it’s important to enjoy, to have fun and to allow the light hearted, free child of wonder to be set free and play during the classes!  First, I know, the wounded parts need to nurtured, healed and restored…. this, we will do..

You can be taught to use these healing methods on yourself, others, and be trained to Practitioner level if this is your calling.  You can also come along simply for your enjoyment and spiritual development.

The hundreds of testimonials received over the years, as well as countless miracles which have occurred during my life of spiritual service, to myself and others,including animals and birds, gives me the utmost faith and knowing, that Light will slowly but surely, heal all hearts.  In turn, we will awaken to full awareness of who we truly are.

A bit about Lesley Carol: Lesley has been a professional singer/guitarist/songwriter, from the age of 15,  who  spiritually awakened at an early age and through divine guidance, was led to work as a Spiritual channeller/teacher/speaker and therapist based in West London – working in the UK and Internationally. She was a speaker and demonstrator of Crystal & Sound Healing at the Spiritualist Association of Great Britain in Belgrave Square, London, once a month for three years. She also worked at St James’ Church., Neal’s Yard, Covent Garden, and was high profile at the time when crystal healing was just starting.  Very little was known about sound healing at that time and now it’s so heartening to see how the interest in both modalities is spreading far and wide.   Lesley has trained and worked with many of the top Sound Healing teachers all over the world.  Some alive and some who are now in spirit.

Is a fully trained and qualified Crystal Healer Teacher, full Sound healer Teacher, Hypnotherapist/PsychoAnalyst, writer, songwriter, Past Life Regression & Inner Child Master class therapist & teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, Sekhm Teacher, DevaLightTM Founder/Teacher., CrystalSonic RejuvenationTM Founder, Creator & Teacher.

She now enjoys living in a peaceful, idyllic place of nature, by the sea, in South West Somerset, UK, whilst working and sharing her wealth of experience, wisdom and spiritual gifts to those who are drawn to her energies, courses and consultations on a mainly one to one basis.  A safe, nurturing space is provided for each person, with their very best interests at heart.  Everything is completely confidential with no judgments.

Full personal attention on a one to one basis, in pairs or in small groups is given, so that each person can embark on a deep, fulfilling  journey with whichever healing modality sings to their heart and soul.  Most of the courses and consultations are  available by Distance Learning.

Atlantis College has been established for over 35 years and has an unwavering, excellent reputation and the students who qualify here are of the highest caliber. Below are a few photos of some beautiful souls attending and qualifying as professional Sound Healing Therapists – ‘ACST’ Method. (Atlantis College Sound Therapy Method)

advanced crystal practitioner diploma course

Atlantis College

The College has trained hundreds of students all over Great Britain and in all corners of the world who are now first class, caring, successful Practitioners.  Most of them not only have successful practices either full time or part time, but also volunteer their services in Hospices, helping children with special needs, childrens’ hospitals,  mental health patients, Cancer and Aids clinics, Animal rescue centres, animals, the elderly, the infirm, dementia patients…. in fact no-one seems to be missed out, and many Practitioners who are able to, run free healing centres in order to help and be of service.  We all join as one mind to help to hold and promote peace and wellbeing for our self and  all sentient beings, as well as for our beautiful planet and Universe.


Coming soon

Soon, I'll be sharing inspiring content about sound, crystal, and [...]


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